Chinese graves at Melbourne General Cemetery

Discover their Chinese names and places of origin

Contents: Suggest a grave plot for inclusion | Submit a Community contribution | Suggest a correction

Suggest a grave plot for inclusion

If you find a grave that is not listed on this site, you may wish to suggest it to added. Be aware that this website is being regularly updated and it may have already been recorded but not yet updated to the site.

Select the button below to proceed with your suggestion. You will be required to provide

  1. Your email address
  2. The name on the headstone
  3. Location of the grave

Submit grave plot details

Submit a Community contribution

If you know more about a person who is recorded on this website, please provide us some information to share with the public. We value your contribution.

Select the button below to proceed with your suggestion. You will be required to provide

  1. Your email address
  2. The name on the headstone
  3. Your contribution

Submit a contribution

Suggest a correction

Use this form if you have found information on this website to be incorrect.

Select the button below to proceed with your suggestion. You will be required to provide

  1. Your email address
  2. The name on the headstone
  3. Your suggested correction

Submit a correction