Chinese graves at Melbourne General Cemetery
Discover their Chinese names and places of origin
Contents: Search | Records | Browse | Families | Ancestral origins | Help Video
How to use this site
If you wish to find a specific person, family or listing, use the navigation menu as follows:
This key Search function is available on all pages. It will search all metadata fields and display a summarised list of item information. Open Search Options to learn advanced search functions.
This page will display a list of all graves in tabular form. Record details include Name, Gender, Year of grave, Place of origin and Plot Location/Number. Use the Sort function to change the order of your list Selecting the “Deceased name link will open the full record for that grave.
Use the Search function by entering your search term into the search box and the current display will change to show your filtered list.
This page will show headstone images of all graves showing labels for Names, dates, places of origin. Select the “View Full Record” link to see all details for that grave.
Use the Search function by entering your search term into the search box and selecting Search. All items with your search term will display.
This page will display a wordcloud of family names. Selecting the name will open a list records for that name.
Ancestral origins
This page will display a wordcloud of location names for the places of ancestral origin. Selecting the location name will open a list records for that name.